Senin, 25 Juni 2012

Chronological Order

Topic : How to cook special dish
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 white gelatine, water, Mango juice,
 Mango, Yoghurt. Strowbery cream
Mix the ingredients, boil, stir up, pour, garnish.

The Delicious Mango Pudding
When I’m in free time cooking is one of my hobby. Pudding is my special dish. I often make a lot of pudding and the favorite one is mango pudding. And if you like mango pudding, you can make it your self. The material and the step are very easy. You need1 pack of white gelatine, 700ml water, 200gr sugar, Mango juice, Mango, Yoghurt. You must follow this steps. First, mix white gelatine and sugar in the water. Second, Heat that until boiling. Third, take mango juice and yoghurt. Then stir up and pour it into the gelatin until smooth. After that prepare the slices mango and gelatine mold.The last take up and pour it in  gelatine mold.Wait until the pudding is cold. Give some garnish to make it look beautiful.Finally, the mango pudding is ready to serve. Remember, serve when the pudding is cold.

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